
Friday, March 9, 2007

Medical Teams Work

The Sunday my parents were here we went back to Las Majadas where the medical team had held a clinic. This clinic was sponsored by Jaime’s church.
A man named Bernabe needed a surgery to correct a previous surgery from 5 years back that had never healed. Several years ago Bernabe had left Jaime’s church. Now he was asking for help. Jaime and the medical team thought nothing of it and treated him like everyone else.

Later we heard that Bernabe was so blown away by the way everyone from Jaime's church treated him, that he decided to return. The Sunday we were there we heard Jaime announce that they were holding the evening service at Bernabe’s house.

Please continue to pray for a home for us in Petén and for another big prayer request that we have. Please take a few seconds every time you read our entries to pray for us and the ministry God has given to us. Thanks!

Jimmy’s dog Lucha has invented another new way to terrorize me. The last two times she has been outside with the laundry on the line she has pulled off every single wet piece of laundry onto the nice dirty ground. She doesn’t chew them up, she just doesn’t want them hanging on the clothesline.
She terrorizes Fije too!

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