
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Typical House Hunting Story

My parents bought Fije a crate while they were here to match Lucha’s. This is a blessing because when we travel it will be much safer for them in the truck. Also while we were in the Petén they were able to stay a little warmer in our gate outside in their cozy crates. They fought over the one crate so long, that they act like there are 3 dogs now and they run and get in their crate before the other dog can take it.
Thank you for praying for our safety while traveling to and from the Petén. We still have not found a house in the Petén. Please pray. We cannot move until we do. We did not find anything available that had a kitchen (by that I mean an indoor sink). This one we were told was going for the same price as our house in Xela.
It was horrible... it was filthy, everything inside was broken, and it did not have a sink in the kitchen (everybody uses pillas outside). We were so desperate, that I was trying to see the possibilities. But then, the woman who showed it to us started hiking up the price because we were gringos. We told her that the man named Nery that we spoke to yesterday had already quoted us a price. She said that she does not know that man. We said that he lived next to Tikal Net and that he told us to meet you here. First she said that he meant the moldy old building at the front of the property. After we started laughing, she changed her story and said that she did not know a Nery or where Tikal Net was and that someone must be waiting for us at a different house. We said, “Well then we better go find Nery.” Then she changed her story again and said that maybe Nery was her son and he doesn’t know anything about the house. (She must have a lot of children to not know all of their names... plus Nery looked a little older than her too.) Finally when we told her no thank you, she said, ”If you change your mind just give me a call or stop by my house... it is right next to Tikal Net!”
This is the one house we are hopeful about. It is going for 2500 quetzales right now, which is a little over $300. If this is our house, please pray that it will have a wall around it with 2 parking places inside the wall and possibly a kitchen sink.

The people in the Petén are different from the people in the big cities. We went up to several people in different towns close to Santa Elena (the largest town in the Petén... 25,000 people). Every person invited us in to sit on their porch and spoke to us like we were old friends. We left our name and number with them and they said that if they saw a house for rent they would call us. Who knows how God is going to work things out!

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