
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

No More Grammar!

Today was my last day of new grammar. No more new material, I have heard everything at least once (I hope), now I just need to put it into practice. For the next 2.5 months I will be reviewing, reading the newspaper, national geographic in spanish... yuck!, translating music, and writing compositions. Jimmy has started making me translate all of my blog entrees into spanish. I learn a lot of practical vocabulary that way. I am so thankful for Linda she was sent by God. Please keep praying for my spanish and for Linda’s faith.
Jimmy was calling churches Monday and Tuesday to give them updates and asked a couple to help us with our move to the Petén. Jimmy is so cute, he hates talking about money, so I think he only ending up asking 2 for help with our startup cost and I think that is because they asked Jimmy straight up. One of the first pastors he called did not want to here an update. He said, “Brother, we saw a picture of you as a clown on your prayer letter and we dropped you.” That photo was back in September, so I think they were a couple prayer letters behind. This was a little tough because we are getting ready to move, but God will take care of us. It also is a little frustrating because we have so many churches that support us and there is no way that all of us could have the same preferences. I could go on, but that is all I am going to say about that! There were 2 pastors that promised to help and so many secretaries said to tell Shelley hello... that means they knew our names. I do not think anyone realizes what it means when people remember our names. We are thankful for the churches that support us. The rest of the pastors Jimmy spoke to were awesome and were very excited about the doors God has been opening.
We were driving behind this bus on the way back from Huehue. Each time it would take a curve one of the back tires would come way off the ground.

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