
Friday, March 23, 2007

To the Petén Again

We are leaving this morning at 3:00 for the Petén again. I love the Petén, but I do not like driving there because the trip is dangerous. I made more cookies and we packed sandwiches again. We will only be staying one night and will be driving back Saturday afternoon. Please pray for our safety. We will be looking at at least 3 houses. It would be wonderful to go ahead and find one. Please pray that God will lead us to the right one. Thanks!

The large department at the top is Petén. The lake in the center (Itzá) is the area where we will be looking. There are several cities close to each other, they are: San Benito (25,000 people), Santa Elena (25,000), and San Francisco (a couple thousand). They are all right outside of Flores (2,000), the capital. Flores is a little island on lake Itza.
The small turquoise department on the bottom left is Quetzaltenango (300,000). This is where we live now.

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