
Friday, January 23, 2009

We Would Like To Introduce You...

to some of the people in Santa Rita. We spent some time there today with many who have been to our Bible study. They are so nice, much more open and friendly than when we started in New Horizon... glad we didn’t go here first! New Horizon makes us thankful for each step forward. The couple above is Joaquin and Consuela. Please pray that they will continue to come and eventually come to know the Lord.
Consuela kept laughing when we took her picture! She was shelling beans. They were purplish. I asked her how she was going to prepare them. Later she gave us a whole bag full. That bag represented a lot of work. I can’t wait to try them!
This is Aaron. When he came to our Bible study, he loved the praise and worship time. We knew he enjoyed music, but we had no idea what kind of gifted musician he was. He makes instruments. He has made several violins, a guitar, and a marimba. He has taught himself how to play them.
We do not know much about his background, but he told us he knew 5 hymns. He pick up one of his violins and started tuning it by ear. Then he picked up a bow that he had made from some dried plants and started playing “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.” Jimmy and I couldn’t stop thinking about what this man could have done if he grew up in the States and had been given opportunities. He is just the neatest guy. Most people here are tone deaf and then today we find this man with this unbelievable talent.

Cristina is moving out of her house in Flores and only keeping her home in Remate. She told us she had some furniture for sale. Today we came home with this! I love it. It is solid wood and has a beautiful dark stain on it. I’m not sure what to do with all of this new storage! It will be going in my kitchen... I now have 2 drawers and 2 cabinets in my kitchen!

Thank you for praying for Jimmy’s trip to Guate. When he dropped my Blazer off the mechanic said that he had brought it to the right place. He named the transmission before he even looked at it. He said, “We fix these all the time and others just like you... Jimmys!” He was proud of his joke! Jimmy’s dental appointment was not as good, and he has to go back when we pick the truck up for the doctor to finish what he paid for. Good dentists are hard to find wherever you are at in the world. At least here is is about 80% cheaper, so that makes you feel a little better.

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