
Monday, January 26, 2009

The Weekend

We had a great weekend both in Santa Rita and New Horizon! Aaron brought his violin and we all learned a new song!
This little boy in the front is a piece of work. His name is Fredi; he’s always entertaining!

We had 2 new Kekchi teens come in NH. They just moved here to go to school. Pray they get involved!
Vanesa received a Bible. She used to come a long time ago, but then her mom stopped it. Not sure why she has been given permission to start coming again, but we are thankful.

Not having your own meeting place is always a hassle. We spend the first hour in Santa Rita every week trying to find the key and then moving tables from the school into the Salon. Last week we started very late because they were having a town meeting in there. It took us several months in NH to get our own meeting place, so we don’t want to get our hopes up. Lesbia, who lives in NH, owns land in Santa Rita. She has already given us permission to store things in her house.
This is what it looks like right now. We are going to talk to her this week and see if we can meet there. We were given some money towards purchasing supplies for this work and also some Christmas gifts. Please pray we can stretch this out to buy tables, chairs, pay for my truck repairs AND have enough money leftover to extend her house so that we can have a porch to meet under. Please pray with us this week!

This is a big blessing. The owner of our house is going in with us to pay to seal the roof. We found some sealer in the new Trooper store in Santa Elena. Jimmy and Quincho painted half of it today.... they ran out of paint. Maybe soon it will stop snowing inside my house!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: Nothing says “welcome to our Bible study” like a nice puddle you have to step over as you come in the door. Most mothers don’t uses diapers here after their kids start walking. This is what happens before they become potty/nice grassy spot trained.

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