
Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Little Peek At the Boys

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our little boys. Our appointment went well yesterday. Our perinatologist was from Puerto Rico and speaks Spanish! As soon as he spoke his accent calmed me down. We found out that there is a little more fluid than they would like around Jonah and Silas. This can be a symptom of other problems, so they checked everything and the boys look great! We are so thankful. God has kept our babies safe and healthy. The doctor was encouraging and told us not to worry. His only concern is that the excess fluid can lead to preterm labor. They are going to keep monitoring it. Our doctor was also very happy that I was already at 30 weeks. 34 weeks is the last milestone. He said that he would be pleased if they stayed in that long. Please continue to pray... this time for 34 weeks!

Our international insurance did not cover this ultrasound and the price we were quoted was more than what we were expecting. Then when we were checking out they said that they made a mistake and it was 3 times the amount that they had originally quoted us. We are trusting God with our boys, so He can take care of this too. Since we paid out of pocket for this ultrasound they gave us some free 4D shots!

This is Jonah! We got to see his eyes open and close and a yawn! He has chubby little cheeks and arms too!
This is Silas! We caught him smiling one time and got to see that he has a dimple in his right cheek!
We love our little boys so much and are so thankful for them!!! This was worth the wait! We were ready for them to come yesterday!


  1. Praise God for these two little miracles! G'pa thinks they look like him of course, but I DO see a resemblance to the Dinsmores, especially in Silas because of that dimple! Jonah looks like Jimmy already!

  2. Dimples?? Does that mean they're going to be like Jon? =)
