
Monday, October 5, 2009

An Update From the Road

Jimmy spent yesterday in Arkansas. For the morning service he was with Pastor Andy, the doctor and pilot who comes to Petén on a regular basis. We have never been around that man when he did not encourage us. He has the sweetest family! They might end up in Petén permanently in a couple years!!! Jimmy really enjoyed being there and presenting our ministry to his church for the first time. Andy's church took us on a long time ago, but this is the first time Jimmy has been there.
This is pastor Andy and part of his family. Saturday Jimmy was there for a fish fry with their Spanish ministry. Several pastors in the area came too. Jimmy got to tell them about KBI and make a lot of good contacts to get more teams to come down and teach.

Sunday evening Jimmy was with another pastor we have known for a while, but have never met in person. He keeps up with our ministry and is very encouraging too. This is his family. Hopefully they will come visit us soon and I will get to meet them too!
Jimmy took more pictures without me than he lets me take when I am with him. He is so sweet and wanted me to feel like I was there. Jimmy got to present our ministry and then they had a time of question and answer. Jimmy said that they had so many good questions that he never made it to his sermon.
This is their oldest daughter, Anna. She helped Jimmy set up our display... so cute! I think Jimmy did just fine without me!

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