
Monday, February 8, 2010

Taking the Boys to Santa Rita

I love watching Jimmy when we take our boys places he is so proud of his sons! Last week we went to Santa Rita with Jimmy's parents and then we went back again as soon as my mom arrived.
The first place we stopped was Marcos' house! It was so good to visit with them again. They are just the nicest people.
Jonah smiled real big when Marcos spoke to him in Kekchi. I think he likes the clicking noise.
We ran into Lety (holding Jonah). She is a lady that lives in New Horizon that attends our Bible studies. She did not know that we had been kicked out. That's usually how it goes. Our friends are never aware of the town meetings when we are being discussed or voted on. She was excited to hear about us starting up a Bible study/church in our home for the people in New Horizon. She said that she would definitely come!
I made a photo book with pictures of my huge belly and the boys when they were born and their time in the hospital just to show our people. They love photos!
I cannot describe how good it was to be back!
I missed my girls so much!
(in front of our building)
It just feels right!

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