
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Where's Our Shipment

Why is our living room couch in our nursery? Because our rocking chairs that were supposed to be here 2 weeks ago must be in the same place our container was hanging out for the month after we moved to Guatemala. Not even the shipping company knows where that is. Our baby swings are in the same boxes. These items would make life with twins much easier... especially once I am on my own during the day. Please pray that our shipment makes it soon. Thanks!

Grandma is going to love this one!
We thought the window in the nursery was sealed. Well this is what we caught crawling in yesterday. Jimmy went to get his big bug killing kit which includes a broom, one flip flop, and a can of hairspray (we were afraid to use bug spray inside the nursery). He was successful!

1 comment:

  1. Creepy, crawling things are not my favorite! Super duper glue traps are on their way!
