
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Accentuating the Positives!

We are in a rough patch in Guatemala right now. It's not the first and won't be the last. God is always gentle with us as He leads us through. So while we are riding out the storm I am going to focus on our two biggest blessings... guess who!

As of right now...
*He is our Wiggle Worm
*Likes to sleep late
*Favors his right hand
*Prefers the nursery a little on the cooler side
*Has great upper body strength... he was doing baby pushups a month ago
*Finds his pacifier comforting
*Likes to move and touch
*A little on the shy side
*Is a relatively quiet baby... other then the fact that he burps like A man!
*Pretty even keeled, very content, rarely not smiling
*Has his Daddy's long eyelashes and the cutest chin you ever saw!
*If he is upset he won't open his eyes because he knows he will look at us and have to smile!
*Loves to snuggle
*Likes to chew on his brother's hand

As of right now...
*He is our Chatter Box
*He likes to wake up early and chat with mommy while his brother is sleeping
*Favors his left hand
*Prefers the nursery a little on the warmer side
*Has great lower body strength... he likes to dance with Mommy!
*Finds his burp cloth/blanky comforting... which is a good thing since he spits up so much!
* Very visual
*Very outgoing... our little flirt!
*This kid gots some lungs!
*Has definite highs and lows
*Has humongous bright blue eyes!
*Loves being outside
*Loves to sit where he can see your face
*Likes to look at his brother and smile

The best thing in the entire world is when you don't say anything at all, but just catch their eye and smile and it registers with them and they grin back!

Their pediatrician wanted them to gain 2 pounds each this past month and they both did... without any supplements! I have found the most enjoyable diet ever... nursing twins! They will seek out and destroy every ounce of fat on you!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: I had some 5x7's of J&S printed to hang in their nursery. When we went to pick them up you could tell the photo of Silas had been passed around, it had fingerprints all over it, especially right on his eyes. They told us they liked the photos of our son (they didn't realize they were 2 different babies).


  1. Love this blogpost!! I'm missing them so much!

  2. This is my favorite! Two such cuties! I Love it! G'ma Kiki sends two big bear hugs.

  3. I love how they are little opposites! Such cuties, too. :)
