
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Safety Issues/Prayer Request

Things have been tense in our life and ministry for almost a week now. There are some serious safety issues that have arisen in New Horizon. Please pray for Jimmy as he still has a couple items to get from our old building and will be going there today along with Lico and 2 metal workers to remove our doors and windows. We are seeking wisdom from God for our next move regarding this dark place. As of right now we do not feel safe even going in there. People who carry guns around while the are drunk and high are nothing to mess around with. Thank you to everyone who is faithful to lift us up in prayer. We will update more on this later.
Since everyone in there knows where we live and feels comfortable just showing up at our house we are looking to move to a new rental house in San Francisco (Petén). It will be in a much safer area... and I am praying for a wall! Please pray that we can find a house soon and can somehow in the midst of teams coming and all the outreaches we have planned in the next couple months find time to move. Thanks! We are ready for things to calm down around here!


  1. Man, didn't realize that it was so hostile in your area! Definitely praying for you guys through the summer!

  2. Hi Shelley! This is TinaB from HP! I got to thinking about you and remembered your website and then found your blog. I look forward to keeping up with you and your ministry. Will be praying for you and finding a new home! I'm at in case you don't remember me. =)

  3. Praying for God's miraculous ways to be shown today and this week!
