
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Great Week

Pastor Andy and his wife Connie are here this week and we are enjoying spending time with them. Pastor Andy is passionate about Petén! Andy comes down regularly and stays involved in the ministry here. We are thankful that God has allowed our paths to cross. He's our Barnabas!

Currently he is the director for Guatemala for his mission agency. One of their projects is helping the Kekchi radio station. Jimmy is the liaison between them and the Kekchi national missionaries. They are helping with new programing and possibly setting up another repeater in the near future that would reach the East side of Petén. Just in the last month groups from 2 different villages have called in saying that they had accepted Christ as a result of the broadcasts and that they wanted missionaries to come to their village to start Bible studies... and they have!

We are all traveling around a lot this week and since it is Semana Santa, the roads are extra crowded and there is more drinking than normal going on. Please pray for all of our safety!

Both Bible studies went great this week! Jimmy lost power right before his started and everyone came anyway! He backed up the pickup and used the headlights.

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