
Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Hard To Understand Why

I mentioned a few posts ago about a couple that lost 2 of their sons this past January in a drunk driving accident. The husband and wife's names are Juaquin and Consuelo. The older boy did come to the kids' Bible study and had received a Bible.

It just so happened that one day while we were visiting with them in their home last year I snapped a photo of their two boys together. It really was a beautiful photo of them both. We printed it up in an 8x10 and framed it to take to them last week. We all cried. This is the only picture they have of them. I am so thankful that God gave us something little we could do for them.
We just love Juaquin and Consuelo, please continue to pray for them. They were so sweet to welcome us back and to congratulate us on the birth of our boys. Juaquin told Jimmy that it is hard to look at babies because he remembers when his were young and he misses them so much. I cannot even imagine the pain they are experiencing. They do have one more older son. He was in our Easter drama.

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