
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Discipleship 101

Both Bible studies are doing great with a strong group of faithfuls in both. Many are interested, but have still not made a decision for Christ. It is different from the States to me in that I wouldn't expect someone who clearly professes to be lost to show up each week to a Sunday service AND bring their own Bible along with homework they did during the week. God is working in them! Please pray that their eyes will be open to the message of the Gospel.
Here is Benedicto, Macarias oldest son that lives in Santa Rita. His family (who are now Christians) told us that they were going to get him to come and they did. He has been coming for a month, so he received his Bible last week!
Here is Vilma! She was the first one in her family to start coming. She is always one of the first to greet us when we drive into the village. She finally turned 9 last week which is old enough to receive a Bible. I also made her read me a passage out of it just to make sure, and she is an excellent reader. She was thrilled... me too!
With all the people that have accepted Christ over the last couple of weeks in Santa Rita we felt it was time to start a discipleship class. Today was the first one and it will be every Saturday afternoon.
Our material is divided up into 8 books, with 60 lessons in all. It will take over a year to go through it. We are very excited about this. There will be 9 going through this first book and then each time Jimmy starts a new one more can jump in.

Jimmy said that there were some great questions today and the comments showed that they already had a good foundation from what they had taken from our regular Bible studies each week. He noticed they were excited about being with others who had made the same decision they had made. It was a safe environment for them. Please keep these new believers in your prayers!

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