
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Two weeks ago we made a trip to Guate (Guatemala City). It was to pick up some things. Just the money we save on buying diapers in bulk there pays for our gas round-trip and for a night in a hotel room.

The main reason for our trip was to pick up new car seats as our boys are about to grow out of their carriers. We bought more Bibles for Santa Rita and found some other goodies too... by that I mean food of course!

The best part of our trip by far was the carpet! Jimmy made sure to find a hotel room with carpet so that our climbing and tumbling boys could have some fun. They hadn't experienced it before. They could explore all over and roll without skulls making contact with tile!
They had a WONDERFUL time and we loved watching them!
With the fast internet there the boys got tons of Skyping time with their grandparents too!
So we didn't come back with a roll of carpet, but we did find some rubber kids' tiles. We just had a metal worker make this playpen too. I was really happy with the job he did. It's a great spot for them while I'm cooking. All 4 of us fit in there quite often!
An extra treat while we were in Guate was seeing David and Regina and their new son Cruz! They are IMB missionaries in Coban. Soon they will be moving to Sayaxché, that's in Petén, about 1.5 hours from us! We hadn't seen them in almost 2 years... and in those 2 years we went from 4 to 7!
I realized when I looked at this photo that one of my earrings was missing and had been for several hours... nice! Silas had ripped it out while I was feeding him earlier and I forgot to put it back in. Earrings are impossible with little boys!


  1. I love your updates on your ministry and on the boys. Everyone looks so happy and healthy. I pray that God continues to bless you all!
