
Friday, September 3, 2010

Listener Feedback

Domingo and José stopped by our house today to work on some radio stuff. José is working hard like always. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for him, please don't stop!

Here were some of the listener comments of people who called into the station this last month (these are all places the Daytona team went to as well):

"I am very happy to listen to the radio and hear the word of God. We listen to it with the volume turned up all the way." - Bro. Pedro and Sister Maria from Escuipulas (They accepted Christ during the Kekchi Salvation service.)

"When I found this radio station I started calling and calling to ask for a praise song. My dad asked me who I was talking to and I said, I'm talking to Berea (station's name) so I can hear a song called Nothing But the Blood of Jesus. When I heard this song, my dad said, 'Call them to find out who is on that program'." - Carmelina from San Miguel Alta Uno (When José and Domingo got there, 2 families accepted Christ, including Carmelina's mom and dad. 3 weeks later, another man in the village, Juan, accepted Christ as well.)

"Before I started listening the radio I was a drunk, but once I started listening to the radio I accepted Christ and now I am singing and very happy." - Carlos from Escuipulas

***Please Pray***
Domingo and José are returning this month to Santa Amelia (the first village outreach that the Daytona team did) because 3 families have called in saying they want to accept Christ!

Also because of all the Kekchi speaking wives of the Spanish speaking Kekchi men that come to our Bible study, Jimmy invited José and Domingo to come to Santa Rita for a special service in Kekchi on the 16th of this month. Please pray as many will be hearing the plan of Salvation in their heart language for the first time!

That's all!

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