
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Rest of Their Trip pt.1

Rick flew in before Mike so he got to go with Jimmy to the street fair in San Pancho (our future home). It is held annually.
Tables are set up in the main square and surrounding streets. They have all types of desserts and preserves. Poor Jonah was sick, so the boys and I stayed home. Jimmy was very sweet though and brought me home some goodies to try.
Rick and Mike shared so much insight with us on raising kids on the mission field. I think the one thing I took away from our time with them was how important it was for the kids to serve with you and be involved in your ministry. They both shared their parents' vision for the field when they were younger. They understood why their parents were there and that was because they were part of it. It wasn't something that was forced, it was what they wanted to do when the time came. We got lots of other little gems of wisdom too, but that one I think was the most valuable.
Mike was able to stay 2 extra days. We took him to Santa Rita to meet some of our people. Here is Maria, her husband Tereso (sitting in the chair in the back), and one of their sons Marvin. Maria told us a story about the other day when Jimmy was driving around with some of the kids in the micro announcing for the kids Bible study. She was standing with a group of ladies and one of them said, "He is just here to steal kids." (That is a very prevalent belief among people here about gringos.) Then Maria and Berta (another lady whose girls sneak to our Bible study because their dad is against us) spoke up for us and said that we have done nothing but help the community and are teaching the kids the right way to live and that they are both glad we are here. This was so encouraging to me to hear about Maria standing up for us, because I really count her as a friend; also Berta, who I love her girls, but I wasn't sure what she thought of it all. It was a pleasant break from the usual things we hear were said of us!
Mike also got to meet Jesús' family. Poor Jonah ran a high fever (101 range) for 3 days. This was our first experience with this so we were very concerned. We thought he was doing better but then while we were in Santa Rita he got very hot again. We stripped him down to help him cool off. It is wintertime here (lower 70's) so Bernabe, Jesús mom (lady above), wanted to know why in the world Jonah was naked! Babies are always wrapped up here in sweltering heat... let alone when it's "freezing"! I knew we were going to get some looks!
I shared some of this story in our November update, but I will post all of it soon. The way God brings things to pass are just beautiful! Fabio is giving us half of his land for a permanent home for the Bible study (pictured above). We all went to see it for the first time with Mike. Fabio (75) has already started clearing off the site for us!

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