
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Unexpected Fun Date!

Jimmy had a meeting scheduled for today with a kekchi national pastor. He had to rearrange his schedule to be home for when the man came over. I'm not sure what happened, but he never showed up. So the four of us ended up spending the entire day together! It was nice!

One of the guys Jimmy plays basketball with owns a lumber yard. Jimmy found it the other day and wanted to take me to go see it. It is close to our house, so we went while we were waiting for the man (he was suppose to call when he got close for directions).

I love rustic wood that still has all its character. Jimmy knew I would really enjoy this place... because he's thoughtful like that.
It is huge. The man who owns it has a tree farm, so that is where the wood comes from. He told Jimmy that he uses responsible techniques so that he doesn't run out of trees and that his son will still have a job later.
We had this oddly shaped scrap piece of wood, but didn't want to throw it away.
The man that runs the place, Oscar, is very talented with a chain saw!
The piece wasn't very big, but he got 4 beautiful planks out of it.
The boys liked watching him work... it was loud!
I already have plans for these in our forever house!
Not bad for $1.75!

Now to the fun date part. Jimmy had a project in mind. He looked around and found the perfect tree.
Here it is on the wall in our bedroom.
Look a little closer...
So sweet!

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