
Monday, April 11, 2011

Best Visit Yet

I love mornings at my parents' house. The boys wake up giggling ready to snuggle for a minute and then hit the floor running. Then we all eat breakfast together!
Jonah & Silas love this time with their Kiki & Papa!
The boys think the remotes are cell phones. They walk around with them up to their ears and then hand them to us to talk too.
This wagon is a hit! They are worse than the beagle trying to get us to take them for a walk! We went on at least one walk a day.
Jonah loved Papa's piano.
My uncle flew in from KY for my Grandmother's birthday. I was so thankful to get to see him.
Wednesday we drove to Tampa.
On the way we stopped at a Cracker Barrel and I got their last potpie. That was a game we used to play on deputation... get a pot pie before they run out on Wednesdays. I think I got 1 the whole 11 months we were on deputation. Silas is my boy... he was trying to steal it!
I forgot to get a photo Wednesday evening. (It's almost as though if you're not a twin I don't even bother getting out my camera!) We were in Pastor Grover's church. He came down in '09 to teach a KBI module. We were given the entire service to share about KBI. We are thankful to have this church behind us and excited about the future of the pastors institute.
Ross, Jimmy's friend from college, is back from teaching in Korea for 4 years. He drove down from Daytona to spend the day with Jimmy. It was great to catch up. 4 years went by fast!
These were our last days in Jacksonville, they were sweet ones. They were filled with lots of kisses...
and smiles!
We had 2 wonderful weeks in Jacksonville, I wouldn't have changed a thing.

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