
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Talking About Petén

I didn't take many photos, but last weekend we visited one of our supporting churches in Daytona. They sent a team down this past summer and have another one, maybe two, lined up for this year. We spent a lot of time with Rob, the youth pastor there and his family. He has a heart for the people in Petén. He has made an investment there. We have already seen fruit from some of the villages his team went to. We really enjoyed the time with his family and the boys loved playing with his kids.
We spent most of our time there with the teens since they will be one of the groups coming down. Two of the teens, Taylor and Adiel were in the nursery with our boys, I was thankful for that! (Although we did give them grief over the baby dolls!)
Sunday night we were back at Trinity and Jimmy got to shared a little about KBI in the service.

The boys have had a couple first since we've been here...
Jonah had his first scraped knee.
They both have learned how to crawl up onto anything.
They have taken baths in a real tub.
At first they hated it, but then they learned how to splash!
One day last week we ate lunch with this nice couple. He is a pastor from a church in Jax. He is very active in training nationals all over the world and we hope that one day he will come down to Petén for a KBI module. They were a lot of fun to talk to.

We also got to be in 3 of the missions classes at Trinity Baptist College this week. Didn't take any photos of that either... except this is what my boys looked like afterwards!

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