
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jonah & Silas' 1st Haircut

My little ball headed boys finally got some hair. It was getting pretty scraggly in the back. Haircuts for the boys was one of the first things on our "To-do list" once we got here. I was a little worried about this haircut because I didn't want the boys to look funny the whole time they are here, but my cousin recommended the lady that cuts her boys' hair.
She was so good with them! She let them sit in Jimmy's lap the whole time. Jimmy's mom had the idea to use ring pops again. That work really well.
Papa and Kiki came too! It was a family event!
I saved a curl from each of them... all their curls are gone now.
The buzzer was fun!
Jonah didn't fuss at all until afterwards. He was running a fever, so it was understandable. It wasn't much of a fuss anyway.
Silas ended up looking the most different, since he had more hair to begin with.
Papa helped entertain them too...
while Mama & Kiki took a bunch of picture!
Since the ring pop was the main event I don't think they even noticed they were getting a haircut!
It was a wonderful experience. My boys look so handsome with their big boy haircuts!

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