
Saturday, May 7, 2011

An Awesome Weekend

Last weekend we visited a church for the first time that has been supporting us for almost 4 years. That never happens. They met us on the field while visiting the Boggs. They have since sent down 2 teams. This is the infamous team that finished the walls on our building in Santa Rita the same day we got kicked out!
{Cookout at the Darby's house}
Saturday afternoon, the Darby's hosted a cookout for those who had been down on a team before. We had the best time and the food was outstanding!
{The entire Darby family!}
We love this church. They are all just real people who we really enjoy being around. They are a newer church plant in inner city Topeka. It's a really cool place. They don't talk about their heart for missions or praise all the things they do to get the Gospel around the world, they are just doing it!

We got to share about our ministry during a church wide joint Sunday school time and then Jimmy got to preach during the main service. Afterwards they had another dinner for the missions committee and all who had been down to Petén before.
{Pastor Tim, Silas loves him!}
We are so thankful for this church and all that they do for the ministry in Petén. They are always a big encouragement to us personally especially on this last trip when we really needed it.

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: The Darby's let us spend the night in their beautiful home. This was Jonah and his crazy legs after he fell asleep that night.

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