
Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Kekchi National Missionaries

While the radio team was in Petén we visited with Domingo and José's families. They are the 2 Kekchi national missionaries that we work with. They are the only 2 nationals that have been finding the villages that call in to the radio station saying they want to hear more about this God. Recently Domingo's brother, Abelino, has just committed to start working with them as well. We have not done any outreaches with him yet though.
The red dot is radio Berea and the red circle is its coverage range. The blue dot is where we are building our forever house and where KBI will be. The yellow dots are where the white fields are, the villages that have no Gospel in them and call in to the radio. There are dozens and dozens of them in these yellow dot areas. To get to the yellow dot the missionaries drive on a highway from the red dot, to the blue dot, to the lake, down to the purple dot where they can go down some dirt roads into the jungle. It is 4 hours to here from where the national missionaries live near the red dot, so we are in the process of helping them move to the purple dot. The purple dot is actually Poptún, the town where we have been helping start a Kekchi speaking church. This will help them be able to spend more time with their families rather than being gone several days at a time.

We are also working with this radio group, Lifeword, to set up solar powered radio repeaters that will reach the rest of Petén. Until we get KBI set up and start training more pastors, there is no one to work in anymore villages that call in anyway.

So on to Domingo and José's house...
{Silas & Domingo}
First we stopped by Domingo's. Some ladies were sitting out front of his house shelling corn.
This is his wife, Candelaria, cooking lunch for us.
It was a caldo, meat in a soup that taste like is has been simmering all day, very delicious. It was so nice of them to have the whole team in their home and serve us such a wonderful meal. Jimmy is not pictured at the table because he was running a fever and didn't eat a thing all day.
He was chilling in the hammock with my sweaty boys! It was an extremely hot day. Thankfully Jonah and Silas love just plain water, so it is pretty easy to keep them hydrated.
This is Donimgo's family. The two oldest are girls, the two youngest are boys, and his wife is pregnant and due any day!
Domingo lives very close to the radio station, so while we were there we stopped by.
I learned something that day, don't walk into a radio booth unless you are planning on saying something LIVE over the radio. They had all of us say something... yikes! So we all said hello and how thankful we were for all that God is doing through this radio station and all the people that work to make sure it stays on air.
Afterwards we went to José's house. He has a wonderful family too. Most of his kids were off at school, so I just got a photo with him and his wife (whose name is Candelaria as well).
I felt sort of bad because Candelaria had fixed us a large, very good meal too, but we had just eaten about an hour and a half before that at Domingo's. I think we all shoved down as much as possible until we were going to pop!
Except for poor sick Jimmy of course. That was the only point in the day when I did not feel all that bad for him!
I cannot think of anyone in ministry I have any more respect for than Domingo and José. They make so many sacrifices just because they believe with all their hearts that God has called them to reach the unreached with the Gospel. I am so thankful for them and their families. Please pray for these men and their families. Satan would love nothing more than to take men as effective as these out of the ministry God has for them. We see Satan fighting every day.

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