
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our Trip From KS to FL

On the way back across the country we stopped in Indiana for a great meeting at a really special place. The pastor is a guy who Jimmy knew from his childhood. He grew up with Jimmy's uncle. We had a wonderful time there. The people were so friendly and the church is growing (there were several getting baptized that morning.) We got to present our ministry in a Sunday school class and then in the main service that night.
{Pastor Tim and Jimmy in the morning service}
Everyone was so sweet to our boys. This nice man was playing bubbles with them in the lobby.
We had a great time with pastor Tim and his family too!
In between IN and SC I got to meet up with some of my friends from college. That was a really special treat! They are twins, so that part was interesting now that we have our own.
I forgot to get a photo other than this one, but right before we made it back to Jax we stopped by Jay's home church in NC. Jay is the summer intern who just graduated from Appalachian Bible College and is coming down to work in Petén permanently. His dad is the pastor and since Jay is part of our Petén family now (as Becca would say) we wanted to meet his parents in person. We are so thankful for Jay and the great parents he has. We got to share about our ministry in the Wednesday night service. Of course everyone there loves Jay, so it was nice to be able to share with them about where Jay is going to work. What he is going to do there is obviously up to him so we just shared about the overall need. They had some great questions about Petén and the work there. It was a perfect way to end our trip. So we are in Jacksonville now. Jimmy is preaching in Spanish church tomorrow!

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