
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Forever House #7: My Kitchen... I Can't Decide.

I will be posting photos soon of our construction progress, but for now I'm stuck. Is there any other room more important than the kitchen? I have to make a decision in the next 3 weeks.

I love the look of modern rustic spaces with a mix of wood, concrete, and metal. My kitchen is going to have bottom cabinets that will be all drawers. In place of upper cabinetry I opted for a wall of windows. I love natural light and a breeze, who doesn't! So what I can't decide about is a concrete surround. Both will have a separate counter on top. While I love the look of concrete counters, for many reasons they have already been ruled out.

Concrete Surround: The pluses are it will be there forever. Bugs won't eat it. It is a little cheaper. It has an added rustic charm to it.
{found here}

{found here}

All Wood: I won't be losing drawer space to concrete. It looks clean. Only one person will be working on it, so it might get done sooner and be more precise.
{via Coastal Living}

{found here}
Try to picture this one without all the clutter. It has all drawers and you can see the grain!

So what do you think? Any ideas or opinions? I would love to hear them.


  1. Well, I definitely like both options, but the concrete option is my favorite! It will probably last longer too...but really I don't know much about either one. I know whichever one you choose will be lovely!!

  2. I like the top one best...will there be problems with the drawers "sticking" due to the humidity or will they be installed with hardware? All of them look beautiful.
