
Monday, November 7, 2011

What Happened to My Friend?

We have mentioned Manuel and his village, San Miguel Alto Uno, many times.
This is Manuel getting baptized in September. He is a leader in his community. He came to know the Lord and since then has surrendered to preach. He has a friend in another village, who also happens to be a leader in his community. His name is Andrés and he is from the unreached Kekchi village of Mojarra Veintiocho. He went to visit his friend Manuel recently.
{The cross around Andrés' neck is a MP3 player that Louis Powell brought down that contains the entire Bible in Kekchi!}

He was surprised to find out that his old friend was now a Christian. He asked him what happened. Manuel said, "Some missionaries named Domingo and Jimmy came to my village and told me about Christ." Andres was very interested in the change in his friend and asked him to send Domingo and Jimmy to his village so that he could learn about Christ too!
Well, Domingo and Jimmy went last week to Mojarra 28. They prayed with Andrés and his family and asked if we could host a medical clinic there. Pastor/Doctor Andy is here this week! He will be in this village tomorrow morning. Please pray that this outreach will open doors to this unreached community. Please pray that very soon Andrés will come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Praying! By the way, please tell Bro. Andy I said hello, and am praying for this trip!
