
Monday, December 12, 2011

Luis & Mayumi's Wedding

We were invited to be a part of the civil ceremony Saturday night for our friends, Luis and Mayumi. (In Guatemala you have to be married by a lawyer.) It was a real honor for us since their friendship means so much to us. Luis owns a tour bus company. Jimmy originally met Luis when he hired him to transport our first team back in '07 and they have been friends ever since.
Mayumi and Luis have two beautiful little girls, Daivery and Fernanda. They have made it a point for us to be involved in their childrens' lives. They decided that in order to be good examples to their girls, they themselves needed to get married. I'm thankful that they love their children that much. Mayumi is a wonderful mother and has a very sensitive heart for the things of God. Luis has helped us so many times since we have moved to Petén. We are very thankful for all that he has done for us over the years. Obviously our constant prayer is that one day Luis would put his own faith in Jesus Christ. He knows that we desire that since Jimmy and he have had many conversations about it, so I think it is ok to share that here.

Since our part in the ceremony involved us actually sitting up front next to the Bride and Groom during the ceremony it really was not possible to take 2 'always on the move' 2 year old boys with us. Becca was so kind to take care of Jonah and Silas for us. They absolutely love her!
{Ever since they got blocks for their first birthday they have been certain that you must wear hard hats while playing with them!}

It was held at Luis' mom's restaurant. This was the entrance.
Everything was beautiful!
This was the table where we sat for the ceremony. The lawyer and the county clerk sat under the arch and Luis and Mayumi sat facing them. I sat next to Mayumi and Jimmy sat next to Luis. They were read the law and then they exchanged rings and signed the big county book. Afterwards we all signed too.
{This photo was taken before the ceremony}
{Luis' mom about to hug him!}
{Luis smiles a lot more in real life than in pictures!}
After the ceremony they served a delicious meal of roasted chicken, rice and some salad, that I am going to try and get the recipe for.
We had a wonderful time and really love Luis, Mayumi, and their beautiful family. Please join us in praying for their family.

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