
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Where To Live?...

Becca brought down the new point and click camera that Jimmy ordered for me. I really like it so far, but I still need to read about it to use it properly. It takes HD video too, so lots more videos of my boys!

We did a couple of errands while Becca was in the city with us. She was able to see some of what is available there which will be helpful to her when she is packing to move here.

One of the things we accomplished while we were there was narrowing down our housing options for when we live there for the last month of the pregnancy. We thought the professional options might be better than the private ones, so those were the ones we were looking at this trip.

Well... they were not exactly what we had in mind. They didn't completely match the photos online, but that might be based on what was available to show us at the time. We only looked at two, since we are very specific about location due to safety.
The first one was nice enough, but the kitchen was a real eye opener for me. I really do not want my family eating out for a month, for financial reasons AND for health reasons. We have limited space on what we can bring with us, so I really don't want to pack up all of my kitchen and strap it to the roof of our truck for the ride to the capital. There was really nothing in this furnished kitchen. It was a lot more rough than this picture shows.
The rest of the apartment looked very nice.
The real deal breaker though was the best part of the apartment...
All of the bedrooms were upstairs and this was the staircase! It is fabulous! But not ideal or even possible with 2 two year olds... or a 9 month pregnant mommy.
The next placed looked more hopeful from the outside and lobby.
The bathroom was cute and had a tub for the boys!
But this was the deal breaker...
A dorm room kitchen! None of the units have ovens.

So on our next trip In January we hope to look at a couple privately owned options and find something with a real kitchen and even a washing machine. Please pray we can find something that will work for our family. The private ones are cheaper and they actually look nicer online, but we will see...


  1. Wow! Those stairs are a doozy!
    Yeah... you gotta have a kitchen.

  2. Those stairs are awesome - for a young person with no little ones (and I just cannot imagine getting furniture and other heavy stuff up them!).

    Just have faith that the LORD will provide the right place for you guys. Will add that to my prayer list.
