
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our Second Attempt

Remember this post:
It was our first attempt at making it to the village of Pasión. This is where Domingo has recently started a new mission. Jimmy tried to take the last team there to show a movie. It is a young work, so there are very few Christians in this village. A movie in Kekchi is an effective way to present the Gospel to the whole town. 

Jimmy got stuck in the bog pit within sight of the village. In fact, all the men in the photo above are from there. They were very sweet to help him out. It was a several hour ordeal of bonding in the mud! We wanted to make sure we went back quick, so we tried again a couple days after the team left. 

This time we went by boat down the Passion River!
It was an hour long trip up the river, but only half an hour coming back. 
{Jimmy letting me wear his hat}
{Eden & I with the boys & Samuel,  Domingo's son}
The boys were excited about the boat ride, but after the village sent pops for us, I think those became the most exciting thing.
Once we got there is was a pretty muddy climb up the bank. 
6 years of hiking and mud and I still only own flip flops. I'm so vain! If I could find a feminine looking pair of off road shoes I would buy them.
Eden and I made it just fine. So did the boys. They love the adventure!
Eden was the only one not pink by the end of the day since I kept her under a towel. 

We love going places as a family. The boys are at an age now that it is getting easier and easier for us all to go. I think people are quicker to talk to us too when they see us as a family unit, like theirs. 
We had a great turn out for the movie. It took this photo soon after it started, so even more showed up.
{Samuel, Silas, & Jonah waiting for the movie to start}
Afterwards the same lady that fed the team prepared us a meal. It was some of the spiciest caldo I have had to date. Wow! It was good. Eden wasn't a fan later but the rest of us liked it!
{Silas out in front leading the way!}
Please pray for this village as the Gospel continues to be shared. Pray that many more will come to find hope in Jesus Christ! 

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: We decided if Papa was a horse this is where we would find him! It's the smartest horse in all of Petén. No idea where he came from or how he made it out there into the water, there weren't any villages or people around. Makes sense to me though! It is so crazy hot here right now.


  1. Second time is the charm! Glad you made it.

  2. Gander Mountain has pink, slip-on, waterproof hiking shoes for ladies.

  3. Gander Mountain has pink, slip-on, waterproof hiking shoes for ladies.
