
Saturday, February 9, 2013

An Update on Juan

Juan appears to be adjusting to his new home very well. He has preached the past 2 Thursday nights. Both Juan and Jimmy have gotten really good feedback about his messages from our church family. I think they are as excited to have him in our church as much and we are. 

Thank you to everyone who prayed for him to find a place to rent. It is really difficult in our town. The prices are pretty ridiculous for what you get. Most of the time it does't include a bathroom and there is a huge gap between the walls and the roof which leads to all types of lovely intruders. Well, Juan found a one room, one bath duplex. 

And there is only a slight gap which he could probably seal when it becomes a problem. He doesn't have a lot of food yet since he doesn't have a fridge or stove, which cuts down on the rats! I was teasing him because he is mostly living on bananas and cereal until he gets set up and he has the best attitude about it. His neighbors are friendly. He has already started repairing people's computers as a side business to supplement his support. 
Our welcoming present was a new mattress. When we move next week we are lending him our old stove until he finds one he likes better and then we will move it to the church. He borrowed a table and some chairs from the church, but he still needs a fridge. He downloaded some desk plans online and Jimmy told him he could use his wood shop and any wood he has laying around in there. I think he is almost finished... I'm telling you he is very resourceful! 

He still needed a way to get around, so he and Jimmy have been looking for a good deal on a motorcycle. Jimmy's friend Stephen heard about this and made him a way more than fair offer on a bike he has. 
It was very nice of him. Juan plans to use the bike to get to rural villages when mapping out unreached areas and showing evangelistic movies. This bike will be perfect for that. It is really is a big blessing to Juan and the institute. 

We are starting a youth group this Sunday at our church. With Juan here, and with us moving to San Pancho this next week, it is going to make outreaches at our church so much more easier. We are all excited about the youth group. Up until now, they have just been a part of the main service. Please pray for this ministry! Thank you!

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