
Monday, February 11, 2013

Starting a Youth Group

We have a pretty good group of teens that come to our services on Sundays and Thursdays. For a while we have been wanting to start a service that would be just for them (13 and up) which would give us a chance to cover some very important topics that might help them navigate all the important decisions coming up in their lives. 

This past Sunday morning we had our first youth service. It is a long way for teens to ride a micro by themselves for those coming from SR or NH, so we figured we might just have the teens from San Pancho there, and that's what happened. We had 3: Hugo, Wendy, and Mariela. Next week we are moving the the service to the patio of our house for a cookout. I think it might be good to have it there every Sunday morning.
{Our first meeting}
 We had a really great time. It was more intimate. We sat in a circle and discussed things over Coke and cookies. Juan led the study. I think this will be a great way to get them talking and more involved. One of the girls was already talking with me more that evening. Please pray that our youth group will grow!

We have seen a great need for some marriage counseling in our church as well. We hope to start some couples classes and then some singles classes here soon. There are 3 of us now, so that helps, but our people are still spread out over 3 towns and we still have our itty bitty building with the sound issues. We are going to be working on hanging some foam boards this week to improve things for when we split off into groups. Our team of three is very excited about strategizing and working to help our church grow in number and just as importantly to help our members grow in their walk with the Lord! 

 This little iguana looking guy was on my mic stand during the entire music service Sunday night. I think he was enjoying the serenade! You can't tell his size, but he could have eaten one of those little FL lizards that live in my house without any problem. 

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