
Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Name Battle, Which Team Are You On?

Some sweet friends watched our kiddos for us one day while Jimmy and I flew to the capital to meet with my doctor for the first time. I was 16 weeks by that time and we really thought we would be able to find out the gender. We already knew by that time, last time, that Eden was a girl. My doctor had been out of town for a while, so it was difficult to get an appointment. It was equally as difficult to get Jimmy to take a day off. He wanted to go with me though, for my first appointment. We booked our ticket and then at 7AM, when we arrived at the airport, Avianca said that the flight had been cancelled. When would all of these things align again?! I just knew God was going to work something out, just because He always does for us. Our missionary pilot friend, Paul, just happened to be at the airport that morning, cleaning his plane for a flight later that day! With all the other Avianca passengers about to miss their connecting international flights, we were able to find enough people to go with us on Paul's plane, that it covered our cost. (Thank you, Paul!) See... only God could have worked that all out!
This is Jimmy's "Would you just get in the plane!" face.
There are always plenty of errands to run in the capital when Jimmy is there, but our first one was seeing our baby! That baby checked out to be perfectly healthy in every way, but he/she would not move to a position where we could tell if it was a boy or a girl, typical stubborn little child of mine. This kid moves more than my last 3 kids combined, 1-2 punches like you wouldn't believe, but this time it wasn't budging! That baby sat in this little Schroeder pose the entire time. (Doesn't it look like babyD is bent over playing a piano!)
My doctor said that he would be there in May to deliver this sweet baby! I was relieved. If he wasn't there I would have to give birth in the States. That would put us there for like 3 months. That stinks! It is probably a little bit more expensive to give birth in Guatemala now, but we can't be away for 3 months.

 Back we went to Petén without knowing the gender. But! Later, when Jimmy's Mom and Grandma were here, I went to the nice doctor we found in Petén and he said that he was 75% sure it was a boy. Haha! We love our boys and we love Eden, so whatever the baby was, we were going to be really excited! I was thinking it would be great for Eden to have a sister, but we were also thinking that this last kid would be with us for 4 years all by themselves once the rest leave for college. It will be kind of an only child situation. Which would be easier by themselves in Petén, boy or girl? We were thinking boy. Also, with the boys, all I wanted was bread and vegetables. With Eden, all I wanted was chocolate and cake! This baby is made up of like 90% bread and vegetables, I really didn't think there was any way it could be a girl. 
Party in the OB's office!
In Petén I'm spoiled, you can just show up, walk right in with whomever you want and get an ultrasound from a doctor. It cost about $20. I wouldn't ever want to give birth in Petén, but the prenatal care is pretty good, once you find a good doctor. (That part is really hard.)

This past Friday I flew to Guate again, this time by myself. I'm about 25 weeks. My doctor said it is a 100% sure thing that it is a boy! Everything looked great. Jimmy was concerned about the number of Braxton Hicks contractions I had been having. My doctor said no worries. He did tease me about my weight. I've gained 24 pounds, most since the last appointment. I'm ok with it. It's from healthy food, and I think the baby will eat it all once he's born, like the others did. This little boy does have long legs already! Maybe that is why he kicks so much, he's squished. I love his little face. I just want to kiss it!
I have a lot of boy things already, so I was really trying to practice some restraint while in the capital with the gender information. I did purchase his towel, since all my kids have one. It's a shark.
I think baby shoes are kind of ridiculous until they can walk, but I wanted him to have a full "going home from the hospital" outfit. The jeans were Jonah and Silas', but I thought he should have some shirts free from GERD stains (thank you Silas!). I will cut the little thermal sleeves part off once we get back to Petén. But seriously... the cutest little man shoes ever.
So, now to the name battle. I have been calling this baby Moses since before we knew it was a boy. Jimmy loved that name. I think there is lots of importance in a name. My kids' names fit their personalities pretty perfectly. 

I love the story of Moses. It might be my favorite. Jael is another, but Jimmy refused to let me name E that. Anyway, before we knew Eden was a girl, Jimmy called her Titus for about 3 months. He had forgotten about that name and then I had to go and open my mouth the other day. Now, he is 100% team Titus. There is a big battle going on in our house. The kids are regularly asked which team they are on.
Thank you, Melissa, for this photo!
Titus (Tito in Spanish, long e sound) in the Bible was left by Paul to train leaders and establish churches. That was his whole goal. That's why Jimmy loves that name. Moses (Moises in Spanish) was used by God to lead His people out of bondage and to their spiritual inheritance. One of our close friends and mentors shared with us a couple years ago that that is what he felt was going to happen in Petén, with these new batch of pastors being grounded in the Bible and not mixing in the traditional witch doctor beliefs which is so prevalent here among existing pastors. There is a lot of meaning in both of those names!

So, Titus vs. Moses, which will it be. Most people here like Moises and most people in the States like Titus. "Baby Moe"... so cute! What do you think? We all know Jimmy's Team Titus will probably win...


  1. Moshe is a name I wish we had given to one of the boys, after Moshe Dayan, really, rather than the Moshe in the Bible, so I'm team Moses!

    1. Interesting, so that is what is sounds like in Hebrew. I'll take another vote for team Moses!!

  2. We don't know that, do we? I like Moses better, as Titus is more common. Anyway, I think if Mom has a strong opinion she should get more votes as she is the one doing the months of carrying, and the labour or surgery!

    1. Yay... another one for team Moses! I'll tell Jimmy that, but I don't think it will work;)

    2. And I didn't know Titus was common. I don't want a common name!

    3. I wouldn't say it was common, just more common in my experience. Just saw your reply, I wonder how this issue is going now....
