
Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Sweet Wedding at the Farm!

The first group of students who came to the institute are beginning their 3rd and final year. All 3 guys were single when they came. That first year was difficult. They were pioneers! They joke about it now, but they didn't have power and a lot of the times no water. Now there is both! It would have been a difficult place for a female. Last December Pedro got married. God sent him a jewel! This December Rigoberto got married. 

His wife was one of the teens that started coming to our church plant. She put her faith in Christ early on and began to attend faithfully. Honestly we were a little worried about this engagement at first just because she was young, but Rigo has definitely found a good thing! Both of these soon to be pastor's wives (Pedro's and Rigo's) are sharp! They attend the institute as well. I am very impressed with their hard work ethic and how well they apply themselves in their classes. I am just SO thankful that God sent them both such wonderful wives to work along side them! Both couples went through our sweet friends, Jim and Bonnie's marriage and family class last year and Rigo and Juana are currently taking a premarital class with Jimmy. (Not really "pre" anymore, but still helpful.)   

Rigo and Juana had a legal ceremony back in November. They didn't consider themselves married though until they had their church wedding in December. 
Rigo and Juana
 They had a party at Juana's house afterwards to celebrate. They served turkey caldo with a whole bunch of cabbage... SO good!
Juana and Rigo wanted Jimmy to officiate their church wedding and they wanted to have it at the farm. I was excited about helping Juana decorate. From what I had seen of Kekchi weddings before is that they use lots of white crepe paper! Juana's favorite color is purple, so I asked if it would be ok if we incorporated some of that.
 It was fun! I made some crepe paper flowers and asked her what she thought. She liked them, yay! Then the 4 of us, Jimmy, Rigo, Juana, and I, spent the Saturday before decorating everything. 

Here is their wedding table:
 They wanted a backdrop behind them at the altar. For most of the ceremony the bride and groom sit in 2 chairs in the front.
 The wedding party sits behind them on either side.
 Then we had all the tables we could fit along the sides for the meal afterwards.
 The day of the wedding, Juana changed at her parents house and then walked for 40 minutes to the farm/church with this crowd behind her! Evidently that is a tradition. It was really important to her mom.
 Here is Rigo with his mom and his family right before the wedding. His dad left when he was little.
 Here are the beautiful rings they picked out!
 The place was packed. The kids and I stood up the whole time. 
 Jonah and Silas were the ring bearers and Eden was the flower girl!
 I thought Jimmy did a beautiful job with the short sermon before the ceremony. It was very similar to the devotional that was shared at our wedding, so many rich Biblical truths!
 Everyone passed by their table afterwards giving them presents.
 We are so happy for them! They are truly adorable together!
This is just a side note, but I think these are the luckiest Kekchi ladies in all of Petén. Jimmy treats me so well all the time. He makes me feel so valued, loved, safe, and even spoiled. He has spent so much one-on-one time with them talking about being a good husband and God's plan for marriage. These ladies will be cherished and treated very well! 

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