
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Family Traditions #32: New Year's Eve 2015

"Family traditions give identity and belonging to each member." - James Dobson
I love traditions! My family had lots growing up. I always try to encourage our students to think of fun traditions they can start with their future church family to celebrate and look back on the different moments where God has worked in their lives. God instructs us to do that many times in the Bible.
{We pop a balloon every hour starting at 1PM}
New Year's Eve has turned out to be one of my favorite days. Maybe because that evening doesn't involve anyone or anything outside of our house, no presents, no pressure, no guests, no deep cleaning, just us. It is a great opportunity to reflect on the past year, to be grateful, to pause and look at God and even to look at yourself to make sure you are growing!
 We always have a fondue night in 3 rounds. We start off with beef fondue. I cook all the potatoes in the pot at one time first so that we don't have to wait on those. We eat an embarrassing amount of meat... but it's a holiday and there are 3 boys in this house (soon to be 4!)
Last year we had movie night and watched Disney classics. This year we decided to have a game night instead! 
It is so much better than movie night!
{Sleeping Queens is our favorite game right now. My kids (and I) play this nearly every single day!}
This year's party seemed to go by a lot faster though. We will have to start earlier next year. 
 The next round was cheese fondue! Somehow we never get full on New Year's Eve.
Each year we add to our Yearbook. I posted our questionnaire here. Each person gets a page to fill out.
 It is fun to look back at the answers from the past years, especially now that the boys really understand the questions. Eden's answers this year were hilarious! I won't post them all since they are pretty personal, but she did say that the thing she was most thankful for was the new baby! 
Everybody's answers were pretty personal. I'm really proud of the things my kids value and want to record. We also thought of things we want to get better at and new things we want to learn. It is a fun process, filling out this yearbook!
Now truthfully, our third round - chocolate fondue, was after midnight! It didn't seem like anyone was losing steam. We had a wonderful night together! We are so thankful for God's protection and blessings this past year!

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