
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Our Beauitful E is 4!

Eden has been very much looking forward to her 4th birthday. She is at the age now where she remembered the boys' last birthday and knew what we meant when we asked her about hers. We talked about a lot of different things but settled on a tea party theme, just to get us going in a direction. Then we added anything else that Eden liked really. So I guess it should be called an "Eden's favorite things" theme. 

Eden and I had so much fun planning her birthday! We went shopping one day, just us and picked out all the supplies!
 It was a rainy day, but we still had fun. We may have even stopped by a bakery for fresh snacks!
We had fun putting together all of her party games. 
She made it clear that it was a "girls only" party, so Jonah and Silas tested out all the games ahead of time so that they didn't feel like they missed out. 
They understood and really helped Eden get excited about her party! Jonah drew our teapot for our "Pin the teacup under the teapot" game. (We still get d's and b's backwards sometimes!)
Eden helped make lots of felt teabags. 
The boys hid them in the school room for the girls to find during the party.  
I feel like no matter how much I plan out my time, I always end up rushing in the end. Anyway, I finished Eden's cake the night before and put it in our room on our dresser like I always do to keep it safe from rats. I still was rushing the next day before the party.
 Eden loved her pink cake!
Jimmy helped me finish all the crepe paper decorations and hang them all up. We set up Eden's 2 tea sets which happened to be the exact number of cups we needed for her guests and filled the teapots with cold raspberry sweet tea... like southern sweet!
 As soon as all of Eden's sweet little friends got here, they sat down for tea!
I think they were all still a little shy at that point. It was hard for me to capture smiles with my camera. They played dollies for a little while in Eden's room and then we had some snacks. 
Jimmy helped me so much that day. He made the watermelon teapot, the heart sandwiches and the pink punch!
 We also had chocolate covered strawberries, green jello salad and heart shaped cheese straws.
 The photo below was right after Dada told Eden that he wore his pink shirt just for her! I think she was feeling pretty special that day!
 After snacks we played our games and did a little craft.

Then we sang, had cake, and opened presents!
Jimmy made her a kitchen (stove, oven, sink) for Christmas and we had plans for him to make the fridge for her birthday. But, he found a fridge at a thrift store several months ago for 90% off that must have been a floor model. It was perfect and pink!
Then it was piƱata time! I wasn't sure if Eden could bring herself to hit that pretty butterfly, but she didn't hold back!
We are so thankful for all of the sweet girls that came to Eden's party and for the mommies that brought them. Some of them drove a ways to get here. We really appreciated them sharing this day with us!

The party was on Saturday and Eden's actual birthday was Sunday, so we saved all the presents from the rest of her family until her Birthday Day. 
We got to skype with both sets of grandparents and even Eden's great grandparents sent here beautiful dresses in the mail. (My kids are a little bit spoiled!) Eden is wearing one of the dresses below!
So Sunday ended up being pretty special too.
 We took her decorations down a couple day later and she was surprised that her birthday was "over" but asked if we could hang them up again for her next birthday! Cutiepie!

Here is our traditional birthday interview. We have had guests in our house since literally about 5 minutes after the party ended, so it took us 8 days to get around to videotaping her. I was worried she'd forget stuff, but she did ok!
We are so thankful for Eden! I loved my boys and didn't mind if God gave us another boy when we were pregnant with E. Now I am so thankful we get to experience having a girl! We have so many wonderful little girly moments together. I love her little personality and how much our conversations have grown in the last year. I would be a mess right now if it wasn't for the other baby in my belly. I try to tell myself it's ok for my baby E to be growing up. We love her so much, a true gift from God!

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