
Friday, April 29, 2016

Waiting for Titus

Last Saturday we flew to the Capital to wait for Titus' arrival. We are very thankful for Missionary Air Group and our missionary pilot friend, Paul. Jimmy was going to fly me to Guate, to avoid the messy 8 hour drive which would be full of contractions, and then drive the kids there but sharing flights with others going back and forth through this ministry made it possible for us to all fly together and save 2 days of travel. This way Jimmy got to help us get settled, go to a doctors appointment with me, and make it back in time for classes.
Jimmy's mom, Melissa/MaG, arrived in the capital that evening. We are so thankful for her help. We are staying in an apartment with a full kitchen and she has been making healthy food for us to eat. 
{The fresh produce section in Guatemala City... I am SO jealous!}
I was dreading all the fake food we would be consuming staying here temporarily and this has turned out to be such a treat! Last night our sides were broccoli, sweet potatoes, and asparagus! At this point I cannot stand/walk for very long periods of time without having tons of contractions so I'm not sure what we would have done without her help. 

Jimmy flew back to Petén last Monday. He is finishing up the last week of classes for the semester today. Due to having to let go the national we were working with, Jimmy gained 3 extra classes plus my 2 for the last 2 weeks. That is an extra 15 hours per week! We are so thankful for another missionary friend, Jim DeHart who volunteered to take one of the classes and be completely in charge of finals week which starts this coming Tuesday. This is such a blessing to us. We aren't sure how next week would have worked without him! Do you see how God is taking such good care of us?!

Before Jimmy returned to Petén, we got to go see Titus again!
He looks perfect! He was measuring at 8.5 pounds at 37 weeks. Sometimes those measurements are off, so who knows, but he does feel huge! My c-section is scheduled for May 6th. I have another doctor's appointment today. Jimmy is driving back to the capital tomorrow. I am just praying that Titus sits tight until then! 

The kiddos are loving their MaG time!

{Their first seesaw experience!}
{Waving bye to Daddy as he flies away.}
{Pedicures with MaG!}

On top of teaching classes Jimmy has been staying up late checking off his self imposed "to-do" list. I think he is nesting, haha! He has sprayed for termites, regular bugs, polyurethaned one of the cribs (that he built for the twins 7 years ago), put another coat of sealer on our concrete shower, buffed and polished my counters, cleaned our shower heads and water heater, and tons of other stuff I can't keep track of... basically everything that might be too smelly for the baby to be around and little thoughtful things that don't matter at all to him but that he knows I would appreciate. He is a sweetheart!
 Here is Titus' corner in our room, all ready for him! We are all very excited! 

I am so thankful for God's hand of protection on this baby and our family and for sending so many wonderful people to help us. We are truly blessed!

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